Friday, July 27, 2012

! SUPER SPECIAL PROMOTION ! ending July 31 2012 !


of free website visits to all your websites every week!
+ SUBSCRIPTION to all your feeds and newsleters!

And here goes the catch!  We want to win one freebie item whose promotion ends 31st July 2012.
We want to give it as a gift to one special person. The problem is, only UK residents are eligible.
The item can be won by answering the simple question with an right answer on their website.
We will provide you with the correct answer, all you need is to type it in and you will be eligible for drawing on 2nd  August 2012 ( if you are an UK resident )... And in case you win  the item. You then need to send it to us via mail to Croatia ( Europe ).And in return we will grant you a ONE FULL YEAR worth of website visits to all your websites and we will subscribe to all your website feeds and newsleters.

The item we want you to win and send it to us is a very small electronic gadget the size of a remote control. It's actually an Ultrasonic Bat Detector:

1) Here is the website where you can win it for us:

2) Here is the answer to the question: " The smallest bat native to UK is  Common Pipistrelle , measuring an average 4cm from head to tail, and weighs around 5 grams "

3) Here is our contact info, to contact us if you won the item!
    And if you did, then we would like you to photograph it and send us a and email notice to prove that you have it and then send it to us, and after we get it, then we will fullfill our end of the deal !

Send the item to:
Damir S. Geskovski
Perojska cesta 25
52212 Fazana , Croatia
Alternative way to entice us to SUBSCRIBE to all your mailing lists
and newslaters and to visit your websites and blogs for a full year
is to buy yourself the same item From Amazon UK (the cheapest price)
And then send it to us, an we will in turn fulfill our part of the deal!

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